第49回 女性の地位委員会「北京+10」での国際女性の地位協会の発言

第49回国連女性の地位委員会(CSW) 「北京+10」について

2005年2月28日〜3月11日までの2週間、ニューヨーク国連本部で、第49回女性の地位委員会(CSW)が、第4回世界女性会議(1995年 北京)の10年後の振り返りの会期として開催された。期間中、CSW本会議のほか、国連内外で多彩なイベントが催された。

国際女性の地位協会 「北京+10」報告会




Statement to the CSW Panel I

"Synergies between national-level implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)"

Presented by: Asia-Pacific Caucus
Speaker: Kyoko Tanaka, Japanese Association of International Women's Rights

"Women's rights are human rights", as emphasized in the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995, which is based on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW Convention), or "the Bill of Rights for Women in the World".
  The Asia-Pacific Caucus, consisting of at least 50 organizations, recognizes that the CEDAW Convention constitutes the legal basis and the conceptual framework as well as a powerful tool to make changes at the national level, and requests that the following are confirmed in the Panel:

1. Since 1995, thirty-four countries have become parties to the CEDAW Convention, making the total number from 145 to 179. It means that still twelve have not ratified the CEDAW Convention. These 12 states are strongly urged to ratify the CEDAW Convention, so that universal ratification can be achieved.
2. The Optional Protocol to the CEDAW Convention has 71 State Parties as of January 2005. All the State Parties to the Convention should ratify the Optional Protocol.
3. The General Recommendations of the CEDAW should be implemented by the State Parties in a committed manner.
4. State Parties to the Convention are strongly urged to withdraw all reservations.
5. The importance of the paragraph 230(g) of the Beijing Platform for Action should be reaffirmed, by reviewing all national laws, policies, practices and procedures to ensure that they meet the obligations set out in the Convention.
6. A Special Rapporteur on Laws that Discriminate Against Women should be appointed by CSW, as a new and innovative mechanism to strengthen the functionality of the CEDAW Committee in order to ensure the achievement of the full legal equality between women and men, a cornerstone for the effective implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.

  We, the Asia-Pacific Caucus, strongly endorse these recommendations, in the recognition that the CEDAW Convention and the Beijing Platform for Action are the two major locomotives to achieve gender equality.


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