

代理:落合 良 氏

2005年12月18日 贈呈式にて


I deeply honored to have been chosen to receive the 9th Ryoko Akamatsu Award from the Japanese Association of International Women's Rights.

The noble cause you are furthering , the elimination of discrimination against women, is a cause close to my heart, as is your vibrant and courageous president Ryoko Akamatsu.

Discrimination against women has, unfortunately, a long history. It is incredible that half of population of the world has had to suffer so much, just because it is made up of women .The struggle for women's rights has still not been won. There are millions of women who are oppressed and unhappy, and there are millions of men who don't understand that if the women are not happy ,the men will not attain happiness either.

Therefore, organizations such as yours are so important .By informing the general public , by leading in the fight against discrimination , you are opening the way to equality and peace in the world .

Thank you very much, and Gambatte kudasai.
Please give my love to Akamatsu sensei.

- - -( Message received December 16th, 2005)- - -
I wish with all my heart that our children and grand-children will be able to be proud of what we tried to achieve and I wish that the coming year will bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to all women and men in Japan and all over the world.

Beate Sirota Gordon

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力強さと勇気ある代表赤松良子さんとして推進する立派な主張即ち女性差別の撤廃は 私の心情にもぴったり来るものです。




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翻訳: 落合良氏


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